We all got really sick with the flu/cold that was going around. Hans and Andy were miserable for days! I seemed to fare better but still was taken down for a few days. I thought we were on the mend, but Andy was having a hard time. He said his ear was hurting. We got him to the doctor. He had a double ear infection. He took all his medicine like a champ. It must have tasted good.
He is doing much better now!
We wondered to Seattle in the construction traffic. They took out three lanes of traffic. Just when we thought they weren't actually working on the road, but just trying to make our lives harder, we saw it. They had huge holes spaces out that were three lanes wide. If you were driving where you weren't supposed to be you would have flipped your car. So, it was a relief to come out of the congested two lanes to an open and mostly empty freeway in downtown Seattle on a Saturday afternoon.
Hans scored some new robots soon to be appearing on his site. Andy scored a huge train that opens up like a train station. (Where it looks like some strange Boeing plain that isn't finished being put together) I really like it!
We also got him some dominos. The first thing he did was line them all up tall and knocked them over. (This is because he loves the movie Robots, and one of the action scenes is Bigwell setting up and knocking down a huge domino chain!)
We enjoyed that afternoon with some friends in Edmonds. Andy is real liked their dogs and a really nice toy barn. He was able to enjoy a showing of Curious George.
Currently I am taking a break from cramming for an exam. This one is Environmental Studies. This instructor is tough, so I am trying to answer the study questions and review with a fine tooth comb. (Mostly because do to stress, I completely bombed the last exam making my grade on this one very important.)
So that is it, sickness is kicked out. Andy is playing. Hans has had some computer projects going. I am working hard at work, school and at home too.
Tradition--You are what you eat
Food. Much more than just mere sustenance, the food we eat says a lot about
our values, cultures, beliefs, and traditions.
Consider Thanksgiving. What are ...
13 years ago