Monday, September 15, 2008

Birds in Monroe

Alright a few weeks ago I heard about thes little birds spending the
night an old smoke stack in Monroe. Then today my husband asked me if I
wanted to go see them after work.
Of corse I said yes!!! So, we ate some yummy subway, loaded Andy into
the car and were off.
We got there a just the right time. The Swifts were flying around like
crazy! It was really neat. Then as the sun set and the full moon came
out, all the little birds made there sleep pattern fly over and the all
piled in for a good nights sleep! It was really neat!
Andy was having fun. He made a friend with another little boy. Then, he
decided to dig for treasure in a mole hole. He had a blast.. So much he
didn't want to leave.
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

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